There have been some rumors going around that IGOTASUBARU is going to be shut down.

I'll just come out and say sugar coating anything....

IGOTASUBARU is not going anywhere. Way too much time and money has been invested into this site to just "pull the plug".

I don't know for certain where these rumors started, or why they started...but I have an idea.

We always push for premium memberships. Things have been said along the lines of "It takes money to run this site. This site can't pay the bills without members signing on to be premium members.".

This is some extent. Operating a high volume website does cost money....quite a bit of it. And when you add other sites into the mix (IGOTASTI, IGOTAEVO, IGOTACUMMINS), the pennies add up to dollars....and a lot of dollars really fast.

We do need members to sign up to become premium members, but at the same time we don't expect everybody to do so. Hell, when it comes down to it we know that most people won't do it. This site is paid for (the majority of it) out of the staff members pockets. We are all just average people like you. We have wives (or husbands), kids, morgage/rent, car payments, etc just like the rest of you. As well, we are car enthusiast just like a fair amount of our time/money goes into our vehicles as well.

We didn't open this site to make any kind of profit. We didn't do this for ourselves. We do this as a service to our fellow enthusiast. Going into this, it was known that there would be out of pocket expenses on our behalf...This is why we ask for help by you signing up as premium members.

There have been some that have said they don't want to just give someone money to go into their pockets. Thats fair and I 100% agree with them on that. However, you're not just handing out your hard earned money. There are quality things sent to you (shirts, lanyards, stickers, etc) when you purchase a membership....and whatever "profit" is left over after paying shipping / supplies / merchandise goes straight towards paying the bills to keep this site up and running.

Our current premium members seem to be very loyal, and not one of them regrets signing on. You can ask any premium member of your choosing and I can promise you that not a single one of them will say the membership isn't worth it.

To sum it up....IGOTASUBARU is NOT going anywhere. We are here to stay.

If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact either JJ or myself about it.

Please do not help perpetuate these rumors. All they do is cause issues for the site, and that is just added problems that we should not have to deal with.

Thank you for your time and understanding
John admin